Monday, December 6, 2010

Guarantee (Still) Sells

Even after writing many articles on healthy weight loss and also continuously educating a good number of people on the same I still come across so many who are only willing to get into a gym or a program which ensures “Guarantee”. Guarantee for weight loss and more specifically guarantee on the time it would take to reach their set target. If there was a FAQ in fitness then this particular question would top the list. The same question is more than often thrown at me too and all I have to say is yes I guarantee weight loss but one thing I will never commit on is the time. An answer I do not have and will never have.

This word guarantee has been so severely overrated and has shifted focus from the real concept of a healthy weight loss. People all across have changed their attitude and have succumbed to the guaranteed weight loss packages thanks to the various slimming centres and the so called “celebrity” dieticians. Nobody wants to work hard anymore, give it a try or even want to learn of the repercussions their quick weight loss packages are to bring along.

The only thing one ends up losing with a “guaranteed” program is their mind and lots of money. Of course there is something to gain. A result that is temporary and eventually all and double the weight once lost. While on the other hand weight lost in the correct, healthy and balanced way has nothing to lose except for your excess weight, excess fat and in return so much more to gain. Things like self confidence, healthy mind, healthy body, healthy heart, an impressive body tone, a wardrobe makeover and a happier and fitter YOU!

Each of us has a body which is special and distinct in its own way. You cannot compare yourself or your body to anybody else’s leave alone the celebrities. There is much more than you can imagine that goes into making a celebrity and their 10 on 10 body. Just concentrate on yourself. Just because your friend lost 10kgs in 2 months does not mean you will lose yours in the same time at the same speed. You might take more time or even less depending on how your body reacts to the exercise and diet program your put on. We all have something special about our body but it’s on us to recognise it, respect it and turn it into its best!

I am not discouraging any kind of dream or possibility here but only asking you to be a little realistic. How about me asking you the same questions in return. You guys keep asking how much time? Do you have enough of it to spare? Are you guys ready to discipline yourselves? Are you’ll up for giving me a guarantee of your commitment towards exercise? A guarantee of not falling for any kind of cheap unhealthy weight loss tricks? And lastly, a guarantee of NEVER asking me how long it will take?

If, for all the above questions your answer is yes then YES I can give you your target weight and all the other gains that come with it.

So, what do you say? Deal?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Weight Loss v/s Fat Loss

To most of us both these terms might sound exactly the same. How can they be different and how much difference could it really make to the body?

Weight loss and fat loss are surely inter related but are certainly NOT the same thing. When you lose weight it does not mean you have lost fat and likewise when you lose fat it need not mean you have lost weight. Achieving weight loss is way simpler than achieving fat loss. You reduce your calorie consumption, eat less and what you will see on the weighing scale is weight loss not fat loss. Many unsuccessful weight loss programs result in reduction of lean body mass, which is essentially muscle. Loss of lean body mass drives your metabolism down and reduces your capacity of physical work and calorie burn. A successful fat loss program will concentrate on fat loss without any disruption to your metabolic rate or energy levels and thus healthy fat loss along with weight loss.

When someone comes to me to lose weight what they actually mean is they want to lose the excess flab and fat they have to achieve an attractive figure. But unfortunately during a course of time they tend to forget it and only concentrate on the weighing scale. Patience is the first thing that flies out of the window. All they end up asking is how much more time to reach my goal.

I’ve come across a lot of unhealthy weight loss programs which do not concentrate on your existing or target fat percentage. Clients don’t know what their current fat levels are and what they should actually be. All they worry about is showing results on the weighing scale which makes the client happy. Who has that much time to spare on healthy and permanent weight loss? Who cares about the fat percentage when you are getting the shape and figure you want? And all this starts with one unhealthy, unrealistic goal, a deadline to meet either for a wedding or a party which directly reflects on the exercise or diet program. Suddenly the weight loss program shifts from slow, steady and permanent to fast, unhealthy and temporary. So many times I have come across people bragging about their weight loss, inch loss, but as I ask them about their fat percentage. They are clueless and show no interest.

Losing weight is good, inch loss is great but losing fat is equally important. And losing all of that correctly is most important. You have achieved your ideal weight on the scale but have you really lost the excess FAT? So the next time you visit your dietician or your gym, make sure you demand on learning about your current and target fat levels and work on those lines too.

Trust me; it’s as easy as it sounds.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Staying Active at Work

The most common excuse I get from my members is that they don’t get the time to exercise due to their erratic work timings. Also due to their desk job and continuous sitting in front of the computer gives them a lot of stiffness in the neck and back. Well here you go; there is a way to avoid the stiffness and to remain active even at work. Of course this is no alternative to the routine regular workouts but it is for sure a solution to the complaint. It just needs a little creativity and inspiration to squeeze time for some movement during the day.

Use the stairs

The first and the most important step to begin with is by taking the steps to your office instead of the elevator. We only talk about this idea but never implement it.

Keep getting up from your desk as and when you get a chance

Avoid sitting stationary for a long time. Try getting up at every excuse. If you’ve got a call, try walking while you talk, if you need to give a message to a colleague try going over to his/her desk if you have the time instead of calling or mailing.

Shoulder Shrugs

Perform shoulder shrugs on your chair. Shoulder shrugs are nothing but keeping your hands by your side and lifting your shoulder blades up and down like you’re refusing something. This will lower the tension on your upper back and neck.

Shoulder Stretches

Hold your shoulder and make small circles with your elbow clockwise and anticlockwise 10 repetitions each.

Next, interlock your fingers at the back of your head and bring your elbows together in front of you and open them. Do not unlock the hands at the back. Again bring the elbows together and open them. At least 10 repetitions. This will help release upper back tension.

Neck Rotations

Perform neck rotations every couple of hours if you’re continuously working on the computer. Drop your neck on each side from one shoulder to the other. Rotate it right and left like you are saying “no”, look up at the ceiling and down. At least 10 repetitions of each rotation. This will help prevent stiffness in the neck.

Leg Extensions

While sitting on your chair you can perform leg extensions about 10 to 15 repetitions each leg. Just lift your leg in the bent knee position, extend the knee and bend it again bringing it back to the starting position. Do not put your foot down on the floor for an entire set.

Replace your chair

Try replacing your chair with a Swiss ball/exercise ball. This is an excellent way to relieve tension in the spinal cord, also helps to strengthen the back and abdomen and helps in improving your posture without you even noticing.

Stretch the back

Stand straight. Lift your arms over the head as if reaching up to the ceiling and stretch the entire body. Slowly tilt on to either sides stretching the oblique’s. Return to the straight position. Place your hands on the arch of your back/lower back and slowly hyperextend your back chin lifted up to the ceiling and release. Inhale as u extend, exhale as you release.

Just say “No”

Lunch time at work can sometimes be a lot of pressure from the colleagues to go grab a bite at the nearby mall or to just call for a pizza. All you need to do is say “NO”. There is no harm in saying so. Carry a healthy meal from home if possible or then call for something healthy and light which will be easy on the stomach as your going to be seated all day long. This will keep you away from the unwanted calories. Avoid the unconscious snacking on unhealthy stuff at the desk. Instead carry some fruit or drink green tea during breaks. Drink enough water. Do not eat only because you have nothing to do. Eat only when hungry and at the right time. Instead take some time out to properly eat your food which will avoid any further snacking.

Try these simple tricks at work to keep yourself active, away from stiffness and also a heavy stomach.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

It’s OKAY to CHEAT ***

Here comes another dedication of mine, this time not to the ones who prefer short cuts but strictly to all my “fitness obsessed” lot. Yes, it may seem strange that all this while I had things to say to the unfit to motivate them to get started but now also to people who already are hooked on to fitness but that’s the point they are so badly hooked on they have no idea where to stop. Like all other things there is a flip side to fitness too and the flip side is Fitness Addiction, Obsession, thinking about your weight 24x7, setting targets your body can possibly never achieve, treating exercise as your only priority.

Fitness is good, exercising is good, following a “healthy” diet is good, being disciplined when it comes to your health is good but when all of this becomes an obsession its Dangerous. Having a realistic goal of becoming fit is good, having being able to do the household chores without aches and pains is good, increasing your stamina and strength is good but when the size zero and the hour glass figure becomes your goal, when the crash dieting sets in, when the sight of food starts haunting you, when you start spending insane number of hours in the gym, its Dangerous.

This is what I have seen happening to not only teenagers but also to a lot of women in their 30’s even 40’s. The teens have only one mantra to chant 36, 24, 36 and all the young mothers want their bodies to look like a celebrity mother. How about getting trained from them coz only they know what they actually have done to achieve what they have. Like I have always said each one of us is different in our own way and so is our body and all we can do or rather should do is recognise our own strengths and limitations, accept them and figure out our own individual goal unless u practically plan on walking the ramp. Well, actually even then.

The point I am trying to make here is relax, rest, take it easy. Don’t get obsessed by your workouts or by the way your body looks, don’t keep criticizing your weak areas, don’t keep complaining about not loosing the half inch you always wanted to loose from your waist. Stop counting calories every time you see food and please stop carrying your healthy food box everywhere you go. It’s just going to make you sound and look like a complete psycho. Instead appreciate the very difference your workouts have made on your body, be happy for the clothes you never thought you would fit into, its okay if the weighing scale did not show a weight loss this month or the measuring tape had the same measurements to show. What matters is you kept up to your levels and know where to work on. I am not saying switch to unhealthy but yes definitely loosen up a little.

That’s why I say it’s OKAY to CHEAT***. It’s all good if done once in a while. Of course you can have what you like once in a while in one meal. It’s okay to treat yourself with a cup of ice cream or a muffin once in a while. It’s okay if you happened to miss your workout that one day of the month. You’re not going to loose any weight in that one single day or in that case even gain any. Don’t let fitness become an obsession. This can only lead to an always unhappy body, lot of physical and emotional stress and therefore no positive result. Don’t treat your body like a machine. Love it, Respect it and satisfy your palette once in a while.

*** Only for the Fit.

Take the following test; if you answer YES for any one or more of the following questions, you may be obsessed and may want to start taking it easy.

  1. Do you feel guilty when you eat?
  2. You think you are fat always, no matter how thin you are?
  3. Do you criticize your body?
  4. Does working out justify your eating?
  5. Do you avoid food when you haven’t done your workout?
  6. Do you exercise even when you aren’t feeling well, have an injury or are exhausted?
  7. Do you constantly compare yourself with others in the gym or magazines?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Crunches for the CURVE !

1,2,3,4,10,15,25,45,55,75,105,155,200…. These are nothing but the insane number of crunches one believes one should do to get the perfect curve or the love handles as we call it today.

Such a pity, after so much awareness on fitness, so many articles on overall health, we still have our own notions and fake beliefs when it comes to exercising. We still don’t talk about overall reduction, overall toning, and overall fitness and are so area specific.

Just the other day I bumped into my neighbour and obviously as always she also ended up asking me this one “most popular and frequently asked” question on my list. What should I do to reduce my “stomach”? It sounds horrible to hear the word stomach but anyways I have come across this one so many times that I don’t even have to think before answering. She asked me if by doing crunches everyday at home would help her get “the curve”. When I asked her about her routine workouts I found out there weren’t any and her existing diet plan was like a treat in every meal. So basically she did not have the right to complain in the first place. Even if she does crunches all day it was not going to help. Before answering her query there was one question I wanted to ask her as to what she intended doing by just reducing the specified area. What about the other bulging areas she had?

There is NOTHING like spot reduction. You cannot point out at one area of your choice and demand on loosing fat from there only. That’s ridiculous. I mean come on what about the other areas where your fat is equally distributed. This is where the slimming centres step in and help you achieve your special unfit temporary spot reduction.

The point I am trying to make here is you don’t only work on the area you think requires the most attention and would want to reduce. You have to make a conscious effort in working out a combined exercise program targeting the entire body. I am not saying it is impossible to loose on or reduce the “stomach”. No, that’s not true. But doing infinite number of crunches for it is also not the solution. Please don’t get carried away and get impressed by celebrity workout articles on how they keep their abs maintained and start imitating their program. That’s not how it should be.

I get a lot of clients coming to me and asking me to concentrate only on their abs and hips as they want it to look like a certain celebrity’s body and unfortunately I have to disappoint them by my harsh truth and instead ask them to concentrate on themselves and their body.

There is a very simple trick we need to master here. And that is to start treating your body as a whole. Instead of focusing only on the abs try focusing on the entire body. Focus on achieving that one healthy diet plan you have only been thinking about all this while, try achieving the regular gym sessions you have only been dreaming about all this while. Someone once told me that abs are not only made in the gym but also in the kitchen. Once you get that under your control, your dream abs will follow. Just by becoming your own instructor and doing vague things at home is not going to take you anywhere.

You have to realise the importance of a healthy diet plan and a combined cardio vascular and strength training program. You are indirectly working on your desired area even when you’re not actually working on it. That’s the trick, the sooner to master it the faster you will be rewarded with the love handles you have always desired and also that pair of jeans you have always wanted to fit into.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Real "Burn-Out"

Each of us now knows the importance of fitness in our lives. You need not be an athlete or a sportsperson but yet need to be Fit! We all even know the importance of a cardio vascular exercise. Given the kind of stressful lives we live today it is very essential to make our hearts strong. Read enough on it.

But how do we find out if our workout is really working for us, working on the body, the heart and the FAT!

I hear a lot of people asking me actually complaining to me about their body just not showing any results in spite of doing a particular cardio exercise everyday. Yes one reason to it can be “Plateau” but before that it can also be something as simple as not giving your 100% to the activity. I am told by the same people that they walk everyday but are not seeing any difference. Walking is good but what is more important is the pace/speed at which you walk. Now this a lot of people don’t get. They just climb on to the treadmill and walk at their leisure speed or put on their sneakers, go to the park and walk while chatting with a friend. The FAT at this rate is never going to burn; the HEART at this rate will never become strong. Sadly a lot of us are not told this and so unaware of the fact we continue doing the activity at the same (comfortable) intensity all the time.

So how do we know at what pace one should walk or perform any aerobic activity? Here, I introduce to you the concept of “The Target Heart Rate” (THR).

Target Heart rate is nothing but a desired range of heart rate to be reached during any aerobic exercise which enables ones heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from the workout. Your heart rate needs to be elevated to its maximum during the cardio exercise for the fat to burn then whether it is walking, jogging, aerobics or cycling. Each one of us has our THR zone depending upon our age and their training intensity. It might sound really technical and complicated here but it really isn’t. It’s got a very simple formula to it. All you need to do is subtract your age by 220 which will give you your maximum heart rate. Now you derive 60% and 90% of that number. Those two numbers will be your THR zone.

For instance, if your age is 20 yrs, then your THR will be calculated as below.

220 - 20 = 200 (Maximum Heart Rate)

Now 60% of 200 = 120

And 90% of 200 = 180

So, ideally your THR is between 120 and 180 and your heart rate per min should be between 120 to 180bpm.

The real “Burn – Out” will happen here! The real “Benefit” will happen here!

After about 30 to 40 mins of performing your cardio vascular exercise all you need to do is count your pulse for 10 seconds and multiply it by 6. You will know if you’re in your THR / Fat burn zone or not. If not you will now know that you need to push yourself harder.

For an easy reference you can follow the chart below. The heart rate column shows what your heart rate per 10 seconds should be. No further calculations required.

So let’s get started all over again, this time for The Real Burn – Out!!!


Heart Rate / 10 sec

15 to 19

25 to 30

20 to 24

26 to 30

25 to 29

26 to 29

30 to 34

25 to 28

35 to 39

25 to 28

40 to 44

24 to 27

45 to 49

23 to 26

50 to 54

22 to 25

55 to 59

22 to 24

60 to 65

21 to 24

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Short Cuts = Short Lived !!!!

Hurry! Loose your mind… oops loose your weight this summer.

8 kgs weight loss in 30 days.

15 kgs weight loss in 45 days.

Guaranteed weight loss or money back offer!

No this is not what I am advertising, this is what we come across every other day and most of us even fall for it. Don’t blame anyone, it just sounds so impressive and promising anyone can fall for it and what makes it even more promising are the “before” and “after” images of the client telling you their life changing story. The “before” picture looks so pitiful, rejected and hopeless in life and the “after” so attractive and confident as if ready to conquer the world single handedly. Thanks to the quick hassle free weight loss. After witnessing such convincing visuals, who wouldn’t be tempted to try it out. After all, easy routes are always welcome.

I dedicate this article of mine to all those who have been up for such rides.

I sometimes wonder who must be falling for such gimmicks. But wow, there are a whole lot of people out there ready for it. No wonder the slimming centres succeed in making enough and more money. Nowhere do they promote exercise or healthy diet plans or balanced lifestyle but they still sell. A client just needs to go there and let a machine work on them which promises “fat” burn and increase in “BMR”. Don’t ask me how that’s possible, Instead if you find out please enlighten me too. It’s shocking to see people falling for it. No prizes for guessing why. In fact even better now, u do not have to make a trip to the slimming centres if you purchase one of those easily available steam sauna belts or morning walkers. The very popular Steam sauna belts and morning walkers are just another addition to the successful gimmicks list. It only makes me laugh. I know of people who have worn the sauna belt and not lost even an inch. They would never be able to even if they wore it for a lifetime. And morning walkers please give me a break.

Apart from the quick weight loss packages and belts there are a lot of treatments available at affordable prices in the market. Treatments like liposuction/ lipolysis, tummy tucks and waist-trim treatments to name a few. Not only available but also promoted and purchased. There is a general mentality set that if “all” fails; such treatments are always there to work wonders. But have we given “all” a try?

Apart from the above one more classic example of “easy” weight loss are the various diets floating in the market and on the internet. Diets like liquid diet, zero carb diet, protein diet, fruit diet, out of which most are self made. Each of us suddenly become wise and assume we know all about diets and the additions and subtractions of calories. I come across a lot of people who claim to be on various diets which keep changing as per their convenience every time you meet them. You also must be coming across many at your work place. Their Tiffin’s are always full of fruits and salads. Ignore the fact that they hate it and are more interested in your food but behave strict and focused. They not only follow their so called diet but also keep educating others to do the same. Some sort of self convincing. But as the weekend comes around you should see them eat. There is no stopping them or their cravings. All this while whatever food they have been avoiding is seen on their plate in large quantities. Of course they are told they can “cheat” on weekends but I guess they heard “binge”. The only reason to this behaviour is that after fasting comes feasting followed by fasting again and so feasting. In the whole process the only thing you end up loosing is your mind and not your weight. The sad part is such diets are sometimes even prescribed and hence cannot blame the client always. But, what is the root cause of all these diets and treatments being executed? Impatience and laziness. You want everything to be served to you on the platter. You will not move your muscle (read butt) to work hard nor do some exercise to reach your ideal weight. I understand you already are done with the hard work to make that muscle the size it is today.

As much as you will hate to read this it’s true. All these are just temporary measures to achieve unrealistic unfit goals. How long are you going to make trips to the slimming centres for treatments? How long are you going to keep yourself starving on crash diets? How many times do you plan to go over the fasting and feasting cycle?

It’s going to take a lifelong to live long and healthy this way.

It is very important to follow a diet but it needs to be a correct and balanced diet made only for you containing the right amount of carbs, proteins, vegetables and fats. It needs to be customized as per your lifestyle and health status. It cannot be a case of one for all. Now team this up with a workout regime of your choice and you’ll be on the right/ healthy track.

Eating the right food, at the right time in the right quantity is the way to go. Now, the “Eat Healthy, Live Longer” tagline makes absolute sense.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Been There, Done That !!!

This one’s my story of bulge for all those who believe instructors only preach and are born with a perfect body, it’s completely false. At least there’s more to this instructor. I have been where most of us are today - Overweight, lazy, under confident and full of excuses. I exactly know how it feels to be there. Let me share with you my story of weight loss, confidence gain and alertness towards becoming fit.

2004 – Weight 70kgs Height – 5’ 4”

Will not get into further statistical details but as you can see from the above –


This was my state during my college days. No one but myself to blame, actually not only me but also the kind of diet I was on. It was called “The Cheese Diet”. As the name suggests it consisted of cheese (one whole cube or sometimes a couple of slices) in between meals, sometimes twice or even thrice a day over and above my regular food. It was an explanation to the small frequent meals one should take during the day. Apart from the diet, the “Zero Exercise Plan” also contributed in making me what I was. The only physical activity I had was going for dance classes twice a week. But after the dance sessions I used to be so pleased and impresses with myself that I thought I deserved to eat whatever I liked which lead to consuming equal and more amount of calories than those burnt.

After a point it started getting embarrassing for me as I could not wear most of the clothes my college mates would wear because they wouldn’t fit me. I dint like going shopping as I stopped fitting into a pair of jeans of waist size 36. Yes, you read it right don’t go back. This was my alarm to wake up and do something about myself. So, like everyone I also took my first step towards fitness. I got myself enrolled at a gym. The day finally came when I entered a gym for the first time and the first thing I learnt there was something called an “Ideal Weight”. We all have an ideal weight to reach depending on our height. My instructor calculated my ideal weight and told me I had to loose at least 15 kgs. I was shocked listening to the number and instantly thought of an easy way out and asked her if there was a way to increase my height, that ways I will have an easy target to achieve. My instructor chose to ignore my convenient idea. And with that my gym sessions started. Mind you only gym sessions, not diet.

2004 (After 6 months) – Weight 65kgs Height – (still) 5’ 4”

Wow! I was super excited by my 5 kg weight loss. You all must be wondering 5 kgs in SIX months? That’s horrible. But like I mentioned before I never had a diet plan, only workouts which were sometimes irregular. So then I started taking up various diet plans from all over the place. Sometimes tried self created diets which obviously terribly failed. But it dint stop me from going on.

2005 – Weight 63kgs Height (still) 5’ 4”

Phew!!! Now my body was so badly used to the exercise plan that it stopped showing any results. The very popular “Plateau” happened to me. I was frustrated and almost wanting to accept myself the way I was until I realised how important diet was in the process of getting fit. It will compliment my hard work at the gym and give me desired results in a healthier way. By diet I don’t mean “starving”. At least that wasn’t my definition of dieting. I was put onto a well balanced healthy diet pattern suiting my body’s requirement. I also changed my workout routine only for the little variety to break the plateau. I introduced dance, aerobics, sometimes even kickboxing along with my workouts. It just made my workouts interesting and I felt motivated as I could see the changes in my body and fitness levels.

2006 and Till Today – Weight 58kgs Height (Happy to be) 5’ 4”

Finally! The day came when I had achieved my target and so called “Ideal Weight” in a healthy and correct way. Lot of hard work, lifestyle changes, change in food habits and of course a lot of patience. Well, this doesn’t mean I do not eat cheese anymore; it’s just that I don’t eat it the way I used to. Now it’s all in moderation and once in a while.

I was showered with the kind of compliments I never thought I could get. I suddenly felt such a boost in my confidence level and my over all personality. It was a different me. I could go shopping and buy and wear whatever I wanted to. But it doesn’t stop here. I still dedicatedly work hard in maintaining what I have achieved and raising the fitness bar or else all the previous work will be an absolute waste. My weight might look the same to you but what is impressive is how my fitness graph has been going up. So much of a positive change made me take up fitness more seriously. It had all started with a hobby which became a passion and now my profession.

Today when I come across my members stories or experiences I can totally relate to them only because I have been there, done that. I have also lived with excuses, tomorrows, and size XL and I feel glad and satisfied that today I can help my members get out of their dilemma and modify their lifestyle only to make them feel and live healthy. So it might have sounded like “all preach” and “no practice” from my earlier blogs but I guess not anymore.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Make your own CHOICE!!!

Why are we always in a race to keep up with what others have to do for their fitness?? Why do the exact same thing when we are talking about two different people, two different bodies, different fitness levels and interests here?? When you do something of someone else’s interest there are chances you will discontinue it soon, loose interest in it faster than them and also your body might not be able to cope up with it as it is not your idea of fun. Instead, do what you like doing best and it becomes your exercise. When I say fitness and exercise I don’t mean it has to be in a gym premise. A workout need not only be pumping those muscles and walking on the treadmill with deafening music. Now that’s a myth. There are so many options available today. If you say you’re bored of the cliché gym cardio routine, its ok, you still have a chance to become fit and achieve your goal. I generally come across a lot of people complaining of how bored they get to do the same thing each day. It doesn’t feel different or challenging or fun. This way the motivation factor drops which directly leads to no exercise at all.

I would say, ask yourself as to what physical activity is it that you like doing. Only that can keep you motivated and regular at it which will help you see positive results and bring you closer to your health target.

Just because your best friend goes for dance classes out of his love for dance you need not accompany him to prove your dancing or non dancing skills when its not your area of interest, because after a point you will get over it and stop making the little effort you once did.

Similarly, if a colleague suggests a brilliant fat burning idea of going for a jog every morning you do not need to do it if you not a morning person and if jogging doesn’t suit your body. This will only lead to oversleeping and avoiding exercise completely or for that matter even your colleague.

Again, if a near by gym is offering a heavy annual membership, you need not act ambitious and get yourself enrolled if you are a total sports or an outdoor person, because the gym sessions will last only for a few weeks after which you will not only end up feeling guilty of wasting the membership money but also refrain yourself from paying up at a club to play your favourite sport.

What I mean to say from all the above examples is that make your own Choice, make your own routine. You can take up dance classes, aerobics and power yoga classes, go swimming, play tennis or squash, etc. Pick what you like; identify what suits you and your body the most. That ways you will end up being regular at it, following it because it is what you enjoy and not you’re best friend or colleague. Your body will be happy and thank you by showing positive results.

So do not follow “the trend” or “the Hot New Thing” if it’s not “Your Thing”

Make your own CHOICE and keep at it.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Plateau Breaking Truth !!

Here’s some truth about the very famous term used and heard on a day to day basis on the gym floor, “Plateau”. We all have heard of this word and even used it endlessly to cover up for our lack of motivation and hard work. This word is not only used in the right sense when the body gets used to the activity you’re doing and stops showing results or any difference, but also in the wrong sense when you’re not doing something challenging enough for your body to react. The truth is that plateau happens when you’re body gets used to doing the same activity at the same intensity for a prolonged period of time.

Now, the question is how do we break Plateau??

Just like you always need a change from you’re monotonous routine life, you’re body also needs constant change from the routine workout to show continuous positive results. Variety is the spice of life. Giving variety to your body will definitely spice up your fitness graph. Our body is so beautifully designed that it takes only a couple of weeks to accept change or the challenge given to it, after which it reaches a comfort zone. We have to continuously make an effort to bring it out of its comfort, increase the bar and make the activity challenging as time passes.

There are various ways to achieve a plateau break. It can either be done by altering your existing workout routine by introducing a different activity in it. For example if you have been doing regular weight training and cardio in the gym and you’re body has been accustomed to it, what you can do is introduce dance, aerobics, an outdoor sport or swimming, any form of cardio exercise you like instead of the typical treadmill and cross trainer in the gym. You can even compliment the workout by doing some Power Yoga or Pilates depending on how much your body can take. This will not only give your body a new challenge but also give you a change from the usual and keep you motivated. Now if you are not a dancer or you don’t enjoy playing a sport, no problem all you need to do is change the intensity of your current weight training and cardio plan. You can either change the poundage you carry, vary the amount of reps you do or even the sets. In general bring about a slight progression in your exercises, depending on your goal of weight gain or weight loss also depending on your body’s progress chart. You can at the same time alter the cardio workout by introducing interval training, incline walking, circuit training, etc., on your favourite cardio machine.

Surprisingly diet also plays an equal and important role when it comes to breaking the plateau. It’s advisable to keep a watch and alter your diet plan regularly as the body after a while gets used to the set food pattern.

These kinds of small yet necessary changes needs to be introduced frequently keeping your fitness level and goal in mind to achieve an ongoing growth. Keep monitoring your workouts and your progress as only that can help you solve the mystery and rescue you from the highly abused word. A little bit of challenge and a bit of extra hard work will help you see continuous results, keep you motivated and take you closer to your target.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Mangoes – Sadly Seasonal

You all must be wondering what made me update my blog so soon this time. Well its Mango time, that’s why and I dedicate it to all the Mango Lovers.

The title of the blog itself suggests it’s such a pity we get to enjoy the king of fruits only for a couple of months which makes us use it as an excuse only to convince ourselves to feast on a mango or even two in a day. I come across many different ways of convincing oneself to eat the so called seasonal fruit Guilt Free. Well actually this is the real reason that inspired me to write and clear some misconceptions.

We all wait for mangoes, a year long. And when the season arrives we go bizarre. Every other week there are dozens of mangoes bought by us or gifted to us by friends and family. I love the whole traditional touch to a fruit season. There are get togethers arranged specially to feed mangoes to everyone. Every other night we go out after dinner, not for a walk but a visit to the ice cream parlour for the mango with fresh cream, we feast on various kinds of mango preparations as often as we can after all the fruit is here only for a while. It all sounds and feels so crazy after a point, not only for the body to keep up to the functions and the food but also for it to take in so many calories… oops mangoes.

Undoubtedly mangoes are very beneficial for health. They are rich in Vitamins minerals and antioxidants but at the same time it is also high in sugar and so high in its calorie content. But some of us go overboard using its nutritional value as an excuse to kill our guilt. It’s as if we do not consume any Vitamin C or A, if it’s not for Mango season. Of course I understand we need to stock it up for the rest of the year (in our body) but what are you really stocking up on?

Mangoes or (unwanted) CALORIES?

I don’t say we should stop eating it completely but striking a balance is very important. In your defence you guys might say, we workout and so we can afford it. But that’s not the solution. You are working out and burning half the amount of calories you have consumed in that particular day. What about the rest? Like you desire, it’s getting stocked up. Everything eaten in moderation is best and harmless. Strike a balance and your body will be thankful to you. This rule sadly applies to the King too.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Make the time, its only for YOU!

Its time I get a new haircut or a new look, its time I go shopping because I need a new wardrobe, oh I need a manicure, how about a new hair colour, and I’ve had a long week I need a massage. Every now and then we talk about our “to-do” list to our friends. When have we ever said its time I hit the gym. Or rather when do we plan on saying that? Gym, exercise, health has conveniently taken a back seat in our life. Don’t forget there is only up to size XL available in the market. Of course there are tailor made double and triple XL’s also, but think about it, do we really want to get there?

Why is time always a constraint when it comes to health and workout? There is always time for your “to-do” list, which includes everything but YOU!

For a regular teenager, it’s always about looking hip and perfect. Gym class is always on their mind, but just before class if they get a call from a friend for a movie or coffee its goodbye gym. But does that really mean good bye extra kilos?

For a housewife whose life revolves around her husband and children, gym comes last on her list (thankfully it does), but if there is an outing with a friend or a social gathering, gym doesn’t fall into her list at all. You can always go tomorrow, but the question is-when is tomorrow?

For an office goer, the first challenge of his day is to punch his card on time at work. He will do anything to meet this challenge. He will start his day in a rush, behave grumpy, and abuse everyone and everything coming his way only to be at work on time (only to find himself standing there and grinning hearing a mental applause to have done it again), but he wont make an extra effort to wake up just an hour early to pump those muscles and start fresh.

I say, considering all of the above situations, it is even more important to take your health seriously with all the social pressure. It’s even more important to start respecting your body and giving yourself priority. But again, of course, I understand when you say “no time.” You will never find “the” time unless you make one.

In my career so far, I have met countless number of people who have convinced me of how busy their life is and how there is no time for health. It’s hard to believe but given the seriousness with which I am told all of this, I land up sympathizing with them and agreeing to what they have to say.

When I say make the time, it’s only for YOU. I mean it. I have seen a lot of people not giving the right amount of priority when it comes to themselves and their health. It only makes me wonder what can be more important than YOU. I don’t say go to the gym to get “the figure,” like I mentioned in my earlier blog they are mere numbers. You can go to the gym to achieve your individual goals. To build strength, stamina, muscle tone, loose the extra pounds, overall to be fit only to be a part of your daily routine but in a fitter position. Unless you make the time and the effort for it, you are not going to see any results. And once you do you’ll be shocked to see and feel the difference.

Then again, it is so important to entertain your friends over a cup of coffee or a movie. When I say movies, of course it means butter caramel popcorn and cold drinks. Come on!!!! It’s a compulsion or else the usher’s not going to show you the way and the movie’s not going to begin.

It is important to serve your family at a social gathering, which again means over eating as you have already got special comments from the elders that you look weak even though you are 10 kilos overweight. I thought the thick glasses they wear are supposed to show things bigger than their actual size, but I guess its not the case with the Indian make.

It is so important to please that life-saving job and boss we have by working like a donkey only to receive a heavy salary at the end of each month.

But have you ever wondered, where do YOU stand in this whole circus???

No offence, this is a part of life and we cannot avoid any event from the above, but all I am trying to emphasize is that this is just a part of life and not life itself. There are a lot more things that can be added to the daily drama. By the end of it all, you are so drained and tired of pleasing the whole world that you are left with no time and energy to please yourself, to please your body, and bring peace to your mind.

I have personally started to see a lot of change in the attitude of my clients who have started to take their health seriously in spite of their busy schedules and chores. I can see the effort, and they have already started to see a change.

Time is never a constraint unless you start treating it like one. Gyms have always been around and will always be, but when are YOU going to get there?

So the next time you make your “to-do” list or come across someone else’s, check for yourself. I won’t be wrong here.

Write to me about your experiences, time constraints and schedules I may be able to help you figure out some way and also share a few “to-do” lists if you come across any.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fitness - your take

How many of us really know the true meaning of Fitness? Yes, I know most of you have raised your hands, and the rest have already googled it. But my real question is how many of us “understand” the true meaning of Fitness.

Every now and then we religiously read articles in newspapers or magazines, and some of us even subscribe to newsletters of various Exercise and Diet websites but what do we do after that - take a chai break, get back to work or gobble down a samosa in the canteen. There is always a tomorrow for exercise right? Obviously we are being very ambitious when we want an exercise routine or a diet plan to work wonders in a jiffy, and so when that doesn’t quite happen, we discontinue the regime. The reason being it dint work. Ya right, if only the regime came with some magic wand. I mean come on!!! when we all believe in patience is virtue and hard work pays off, then why don’t we apply these qualities to everything we do and not only to things we get paid for? When I say “hard work,” I mean real workout and patience required to obtain positive results, in other words, results that are healthy and permanent.

There are no short cuts to a healthy body and there are no tomorrows to start a health regime.

Now, if all of us become so dedicated what will happen to all the excuses that I as a fitness professional get to hear daily? Every other day, my clients give me very creative yet lame excuses for giving a gym class a miss. The excuse list is endless, and yes your excuse is on the list too. But let me share with you a few unrealistic reasons I have come across in my career so far because of which the client decides to get started with a workout.

  • The vey famous and overrated 36-24-36 hour glass look. “The figure”. Girls love to be skinny and “thin,” but they fail to understand that thin doesn’t necessarily mean FIT!

I fail to understand why we are so obsessed with “the figure.” These are just plain numbers. I am not saying that these numbers are unachievable but not everyone can achieve them. Each body type is different, and our goals need to be set according to that. Therefore, there is no harm in talking about complete overall fitness and changing your habits and lifestyle, rather than concentrating on the measuring tape.

  • I want to loose only the last 5 kilo’s and ill be fine.

However perfect this reason might sound it keeps me wondering - how will they ever be fine? Is this what being fit is all about? Reaching your ideal weight? Its like saying I will be eating for only 5 days and ill be fine for the rest of my life. We know that’s not practically possible. What after that? How about maintaining your weight and raising the “fitness” bar?

  • This one’s a killer. I am getting married. Well, congratulations! Something finally shook you to get started. It’s the most important day for which you have been waiting all your life, and u never thought of following a health regime earlier until you realised you had to be able to fit in the same frame as your husband! Again, short term and temporary because after the wedding, you are going to be unrecognizable.

  • Otherwise it’s just cool to workout at “the gym” with “the celebrities”. A reason good enough to get going. Life would be boring without all the live page 3 gossip. You regularly hit the gym but the only body parts that get exercised are the eyes and ears.

Such a pity, so much awareness all around about health and fitness, but so little has been done to put it into practice. Why can’t a reason for going to the gym simply be yourself so that you can make a difference in your lifestyle and overall health?

Just to be FIT!

My Take :

My take on fitness is completely different. For me, fitness holds a different meaning. I don’t really focus on having “the figure” or being “size zero” (another obsession). When I say being FIT. I mean overall fitness of the mind, body, and soul which can be achieved by a combination of a good workout and a balanced diet.

If I can comfortably do my household chores without complaining about any aches and pains, if I can comfortably walk for a couple of kilometres while I am on the phone without getting breathless, if I can carry a bag of potatoes weighing 10 pounds without pulling a muscle, go biking for a couple of hours and not complain of severe soreness, I am FIT! It doesn’t always have to be about the external hour-shaped body and tone, what also matters is fitness within.

I don’t see myself starving to death to fit into a jeans two sizes small. But I definitely see myself hitting the gym and taking the right route to achieve what I want. Size zero can stay with the actors.

Write to me about your take and your fitness mantras and any story you have come across relating to fitness. And the next time you think of becoming “thin”, ask yourself are you really going to become FIT!!