Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fitness - your take

How many of us really know the true meaning of Fitness? Yes, I know most of you have raised your hands, and the rest have already googled it. But my real question is how many of us “understand” the true meaning of Fitness.

Every now and then we religiously read articles in newspapers or magazines, and some of us even subscribe to newsletters of various Exercise and Diet websites but what do we do after that - take a chai break, get back to work or gobble down a samosa in the canteen. There is always a tomorrow for exercise right? Obviously we are being very ambitious when we want an exercise routine or a diet plan to work wonders in a jiffy, and so when that doesn’t quite happen, we discontinue the regime. The reason being it dint work. Ya right, if only the regime came with some magic wand. I mean come on!!! when we all believe in patience is virtue and hard work pays off, then why don’t we apply these qualities to everything we do and not only to things we get paid for? When I say “hard work,” I mean real workout and patience required to obtain positive results, in other words, results that are healthy and permanent.

There are no short cuts to a healthy body and there are no tomorrows to start a health regime.

Now, if all of us become so dedicated what will happen to all the excuses that I as a fitness professional get to hear daily? Every other day, my clients give me very creative yet lame excuses for giving a gym class a miss. The excuse list is endless, and yes your excuse is on the list too. But let me share with you a few unrealistic reasons I have come across in my career so far because of which the client decides to get started with a workout.

  • The vey famous and overrated 36-24-36 hour glass look. “The figure”. Girls love to be skinny and “thin,” but they fail to understand that thin doesn’t necessarily mean FIT!

I fail to understand why we are so obsessed with “the figure.” These are just plain numbers. I am not saying that these numbers are unachievable but not everyone can achieve them. Each body type is different, and our goals need to be set according to that. Therefore, there is no harm in talking about complete overall fitness and changing your habits and lifestyle, rather than concentrating on the measuring tape.

  • I want to loose only the last 5 kilo’s and ill be fine.

However perfect this reason might sound it keeps me wondering - how will they ever be fine? Is this what being fit is all about? Reaching your ideal weight? Its like saying I will be eating for only 5 days and ill be fine for the rest of my life. We know that’s not practically possible. What after that? How about maintaining your weight and raising the “fitness” bar?

  • This one’s a killer. I am getting married. Well, congratulations! Something finally shook you to get started. It’s the most important day for which you have been waiting all your life, and u never thought of following a health regime earlier until you realised you had to be able to fit in the same frame as your husband! Again, short term and temporary because after the wedding, you are going to be unrecognizable.

  • Otherwise it’s just cool to workout at “the gym” with “the celebrities”. A reason good enough to get going. Life would be boring without all the live page 3 gossip. You regularly hit the gym but the only body parts that get exercised are the eyes and ears.

Such a pity, so much awareness all around about health and fitness, but so little has been done to put it into practice. Why can’t a reason for going to the gym simply be yourself so that you can make a difference in your lifestyle and overall health?

Just to be FIT!

My Take :

My take on fitness is completely different. For me, fitness holds a different meaning. I don’t really focus on having “the figure” or being “size zero” (another obsession). When I say being FIT. I mean overall fitness of the mind, body, and soul which can be achieved by a combination of a good workout and a balanced diet.

If I can comfortably do my household chores without complaining about any aches and pains, if I can comfortably walk for a couple of kilometres while I am on the phone without getting breathless, if I can carry a bag of potatoes weighing 10 pounds without pulling a muscle, go biking for a couple of hours and not complain of severe soreness, I am FIT! It doesn’t always have to be about the external hour-shaped body and tone, what also matters is fitness within.

I don’t see myself starving to death to fit into a jeans two sizes small. But I definitely see myself hitting the gym and taking the right route to achieve what I want. Size zero can stay with the actors.

Write to me about your take and your fitness mantras and any story you have come across relating to fitness. And the next time you think of becoming “thin”, ask yourself are you really going to become FIT!!


  1. A FIT response to the UNFIT dreams!
    A real FEAT indeed!

  2. My excuse - i want to start but dont know when to start....tomorrow...nahh...too soon..i need to be in right frame of mind. Lets go for day after tomorrow, but that's too close to the weekend, which is when i will be partying.. Lets do one thing, start on Monday..i am sure i will be fine by the meantime can you please send me the magical diet plan you were talking about...

  3. Thank you Rohit for sharing your excuse. M not surprised that from the whole blog you grasped only 3 words... Magical Diet Plan. Hope to see you "fine" by Monday.

  4. I completely agree with you that staying fit means, staying healthy mentally and physically. For those people who workout regularly it becomes monotonous at times to follow a regime at times, what do you recommend to stay focus on overall fitness?

  5. Hi Bipin, Thanks for sharing with me your query, i come across this most of the time. To remain focus and break monotony what you can do is alter your routine. You dont have to stick to one routine forever. Along with your weight training you can play around with other options available. See what suits your body what your interests are. A workout need not necessarily be inside a gym premise. You can choose a sport, go swimming, dancing, do aerobics, go biking, combine your routine with power yoga or pilates, this way you will not get bored of working out and also your body will have new challenges to face. I hope i have solved your query to a certain extent.

  6.'s true that we all know the importance of being fit...but then pushing ourselves to the gym is another story by itself. Personally, I hate to miss my workouts. But, when it comes to choosing my morning sleep over a workout session, I rather choose earlier. Also, taking time out every evening is not possible. So, to solve my problem, I have devised a strategy where I try and make it to the the gym at least three to four times a week. Well, at least something's better than nothing, right?

  7. Of course its great that you make the effort to make it atleast 3 to 4 times a week. Nice strategy, Keep it up!

  8. hey first of all congratulations!!! love yr blog...:). for me fitness means being fit & healthy mentally & physically to run my household without loosing my cool..:) & also to hv the time to do the things that i enjoy doing which allows me to grow as a person.... not sure if i hv mentioned this earlier, but i just love yr class & wld hate to miss it for anything in the world...:)

  9. Wow... Thank you sooo much Geetha... really means a lot... I am flattered :)

  10. Hey Sonal !! This is super ....

    Congratulations !!!! Being FIT has become increasingly important with the kind of life styles / stress / pollution etc etc.

    Great going yaa !!! All the best

  11. I think I am your "example" for most of the excuses! LOL! I hear you babes, I need to make a start somewhere SOON!

  12. rajeev mjrkr lots of gyan.....good work

  13. hey - this is cool, girl. I couldnt agree with you more. For me fitness means -

    1. the ability to carry all the bag of vegetables without cribbing from reliance fresh to my car - hehe.

    2. the ability to climb up 8 floors of my office tower bcoz the elevator frequency simply tries my patience everytime - more hehe

    No but seriously i would love to come for ur and kanchan's class everyday - i really need an hour of exercise and thoroughly enjoy it too. My new office premise is going to be in BKC effective this sept (hopefully).

    I came running this evening too, to make it for ur class but i got home at just about 7 :(
    hope all u girlies had fun....and hope theres no circuit sometime sooooooon......hehehe

  14. Keep it up Kinjal :)Its a pleasure to workout with enthusiastic clients like u.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. LOL..... just shut up Aditya and take some inspiration.... instead of undue credit....
