Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Staying Active at Work

The most common excuse I get from my members is that they don’t get the time to exercise due to their erratic work timings. Also due to their desk job and continuous sitting in front of the computer gives them a lot of stiffness in the neck and back. Well here you go; there is a way to avoid the stiffness and to remain active even at work. Of course this is no alternative to the routine regular workouts but it is for sure a solution to the complaint. It just needs a little creativity and inspiration to squeeze time for some movement during the day.

Use the stairs

The first and the most important step to begin with is by taking the steps to your office instead of the elevator. We only talk about this idea but never implement it.

Keep getting up from your desk as and when you get a chance

Avoid sitting stationary for a long time. Try getting up at every excuse. If you’ve got a call, try walking while you talk, if you need to give a message to a colleague try going over to his/her desk if you have the time instead of calling or mailing.

Shoulder Shrugs

Perform shoulder shrugs on your chair. Shoulder shrugs are nothing but keeping your hands by your side and lifting your shoulder blades up and down like you’re refusing something. This will lower the tension on your upper back and neck.

Shoulder Stretches

Hold your shoulder and make small circles with your elbow clockwise and anticlockwise 10 repetitions each.

Next, interlock your fingers at the back of your head and bring your elbows together in front of you and open them. Do not unlock the hands at the back. Again bring the elbows together and open them. At least 10 repetitions. This will help release upper back tension.

Neck Rotations

Perform neck rotations every couple of hours if you’re continuously working on the computer. Drop your neck on each side from one shoulder to the other. Rotate it right and left like you are saying “no”, look up at the ceiling and down. At least 10 repetitions of each rotation. This will help prevent stiffness in the neck.

Leg Extensions

While sitting on your chair you can perform leg extensions about 10 to 15 repetitions each leg. Just lift your leg in the bent knee position, extend the knee and bend it again bringing it back to the starting position. Do not put your foot down on the floor for an entire set.

Replace your chair

Try replacing your chair with a Swiss ball/exercise ball. This is an excellent way to relieve tension in the spinal cord, also helps to strengthen the back and abdomen and helps in improving your posture without you even noticing.

Stretch the back

Stand straight. Lift your arms over the head as if reaching up to the ceiling and stretch the entire body. Slowly tilt on to either sides stretching the oblique’s. Return to the straight position. Place your hands on the arch of your back/lower back and slowly hyperextend your back chin lifted up to the ceiling and release. Inhale as u extend, exhale as you release.

Just say “No”

Lunch time at work can sometimes be a lot of pressure from the colleagues to go grab a bite at the nearby mall or to just call for a pizza. All you need to do is say “NO”. There is no harm in saying so. Carry a healthy meal from home if possible or then call for something healthy and light which will be easy on the stomach as your going to be seated all day long. This will keep you away from the unwanted calories. Avoid the unconscious snacking on unhealthy stuff at the desk. Instead carry some fruit or drink green tea during breaks. Drink enough water. Do not eat only because you have nothing to do. Eat only when hungry and at the right time. Instead take some time out to properly eat your food which will avoid any further snacking.

Try these simple tricks at work to keep yourself active, away from stiffness and also a heavy stomach.

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