Thursday, July 1, 2010

Been There, Done That !!!

This one’s my story of bulge for all those who believe instructors only preach and are born with a perfect body, it’s completely false. At least there’s more to this instructor. I have been where most of us are today - Overweight, lazy, under confident and full of excuses. I exactly know how it feels to be there. Let me share with you my story of weight loss, confidence gain and alertness towards becoming fit.

2004 – Weight 70kgs Height – 5’ 4”

Will not get into further statistical details but as you can see from the above –


This was my state during my college days. No one but myself to blame, actually not only me but also the kind of diet I was on. It was called “The Cheese Diet”. As the name suggests it consisted of cheese (one whole cube or sometimes a couple of slices) in between meals, sometimes twice or even thrice a day over and above my regular food. It was an explanation to the small frequent meals one should take during the day. Apart from the diet, the “Zero Exercise Plan” also contributed in making me what I was. The only physical activity I had was going for dance classes twice a week. But after the dance sessions I used to be so pleased and impresses with myself that I thought I deserved to eat whatever I liked which lead to consuming equal and more amount of calories than those burnt.

After a point it started getting embarrassing for me as I could not wear most of the clothes my college mates would wear because they wouldn’t fit me. I dint like going shopping as I stopped fitting into a pair of jeans of waist size 36. Yes, you read it right don’t go back. This was my alarm to wake up and do something about myself. So, like everyone I also took my first step towards fitness. I got myself enrolled at a gym. The day finally came when I entered a gym for the first time and the first thing I learnt there was something called an “Ideal Weight”. We all have an ideal weight to reach depending on our height. My instructor calculated my ideal weight and told me I had to loose at least 15 kgs. I was shocked listening to the number and instantly thought of an easy way out and asked her if there was a way to increase my height, that ways I will have an easy target to achieve. My instructor chose to ignore my convenient idea. And with that my gym sessions started. Mind you only gym sessions, not diet.

2004 (After 6 months) – Weight 65kgs Height – (still) 5’ 4”

Wow! I was super excited by my 5 kg weight loss. You all must be wondering 5 kgs in SIX months? That’s horrible. But like I mentioned before I never had a diet plan, only workouts which were sometimes irregular. So then I started taking up various diet plans from all over the place. Sometimes tried self created diets which obviously terribly failed. But it dint stop me from going on.

2005 – Weight 63kgs Height (still) 5’ 4”

Phew!!! Now my body was so badly used to the exercise plan that it stopped showing any results. The very popular “Plateau” happened to me. I was frustrated and almost wanting to accept myself the way I was until I realised how important diet was in the process of getting fit. It will compliment my hard work at the gym and give me desired results in a healthier way. By diet I don’t mean “starving”. At least that wasn’t my definition of dieting. I was put onto a well balanced healthy diet pattern suiting my body’s requirement. I also changed my workout routine only for the little variety to break the plateau. I introduced dance, aerobics, sometimes even kickboxing along with my workouts. It just made my workouts interesting and I felt motivated as I could see the changes in my body and fitness levels.

2006 and Till Today – Weight 58kgs Height (Happy to be) 5’ 4”

Finally! The day came when I had achieved my target and so called “Ideal Weight” in a healthy and correct way. Lot of hard work, lifestyle changes, change in food habits and of course a lot of patience. Well, this doesn’t mean I do not eat cheese anymore; it’s just that I don’t eat it the way I used to. Now it’s all in moderation and once in a while.

I was showered with the kind of compliments I never thought I could get. I suddenly felt such a boost in my confidence level and my over all personality. It was a different me. I could go shopping and buy and wear whatever I wanted to. But it doesn’t stop here. I still dedicatedly work hard in maintaining what I have achieved and raising the fitness bar or else all the previous work will be an absolute waste. My weight might look the same to you but what is impressive is how my fitness graph has been going up. So much of a positive change made me take up fitness more seriously. It had all started with a hobby which became a passion and now my profession.

Today when I come across my members stories or experiences I can totally relate to them only because I have been there, done that. I have also lived with excuses, tomorrows, and size XL and I feel glad and satisfied that today I can help my members get out of their dilemma and modify their lifestyle only to make them feel and live healthy. So it might have sounded like “all preach” and “no practice” from my earlier blogs but I guess not anymore.


  1. Hey Sonal! Very nice post...very inspirational for some of us who are "still there" :)

  2. i am sure i will contribute to this blog soon

  3. Woahhhh.... I'm impressed... I salute thee... Loved the increasing your ht idea.... hahaha... Nice going girl!!! Keep it up! I'm inspired... Be an inspiration to many more :)
