Monday, December 6, 2010

Guarantee (Still) Sells

Even after writing many articles on healthy weight loss and also continuously educating a good number of people on the same I still come across so many who are only willing to get into a gym or a program which ensures “Guarantee”. Guarantee for weight loss and more specifically guarantee on the time it would take to reach their set target. If there was a FAQ in fitness then this particular question would top the list. The same question is more than often thrown at me too and all I have to say is yes I guarantee weight loss but one thing I will never commit on is the time. An answer I do not have and will never have.

This word guarantee has been so severely overrated and has shifted focus from the real concept of a healthy weight loss. People all across have changed their attitude and have succumbed to the guaranteed weight loss packages thanks to the various slimming centres and the so called “celebrity” dieticians. Nobody wants to work hard anymore, give it a try or even want to learn of the repercussions their quick weight loss packages are to bring along.

The only thing one ends up losing with a “guaranteed” program is their mind and lots of money. Of course there is something to gain. A result that is temporary and eventually all and double the weight once lost. While on the other hand weight lost in the correct, healthy and balanced way has nothing to lose except for your excess weight, excess fat and in return so much more to gain. Things like self confidence, healthy mind, healthy body, healthy heart, an impressive body tone, a wardrobe makeover and a happier and fitter YOU!

Each of us has a body which is special and distinct in its own way. You cannot compare yourself or your body to anybody else’s leave alone the celebrities. There is much more than you can imagine that goes into making a celebrity and their 10 on 10 body. Just concentrate on yourself. Just because your friend lost 10kgs in 2 months does not mean you will lose yours in the same time at the same speed. You might take more time or even less depending on how your body reacts to the exercise and diet program your put on. We all have something special about our body but it’s on us to recognise it, respect it and turn it into its best!

I am not discouraging any kind of dream or possibility here but only asking you to be a little realistic. How about me asking you the same questions in return. You guys keep asking how much time? Do you have enough of it to spare? Are you guys ready to discipline yourselves? Are you’ll up for giving me a guarantee of your commitment towards exercise? A guarantee of not falling for any kind of cheap unhealthy weight loss tricks? And lastly, a guarantee of NEVER asking me how long it will take?

If, for all the above questions your answer is yes then YES I can give you your target weight and all the other gains that come with it.

So, what do you say? Deal?

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